Why is Quartz gaining popularity?

During the last few decades, there’s been a quiet but dramatic shift in kitchen material trends. For many years, granite was the only material homeowners wanted within their kitchen. Nowadays, quartz and solid surface countertops are increasingly popular, making the distinction as the ideal alternative for kitchen countertops. Quartz was hailed as the counter of selection in four HGTV Dream House episodes. Homeowners and kitchen designers have a whole lot to appreciate about granite. Below are a couple of the main reasons for the growing popularity of granite countertops.

Quartz countertops are simple to fit almost any style or design because they can be found in a massive choice of colors and designs. Quartz can resemble natural stone like marble or granite or achieved in vibrant, intense colors. It could even be made with the veining and speckled stone pattern with identifying colors like purple-blue, black, and pink. It’s not merely the color and design which might be customized. Most granite countertops incorporate a shiny, smooth finish like marble, but it’s possible to choose something apart from the conventional polished finish. These choices offer you complete control of the texture and appearance of your kitchen countertops.

It Is Easy to Maintain

Many homebuyers today are looking for a house that is simple to clean and keep. This is the place in which granite countertops glow. Quartz never has to be sealed due to its resin-based design that doesn’t leave pores that would absorb fluids. All you need to use is a specially formulated mixture of granite cleaner and gloss such as Granite.

Together with its low maintenance requirements, quartz is gaining popularity since it’s entirely sterile surface quartz. As stainless steel countertops are usually utilized in kitchens as they’re easy to do and don’t harbor germs, quartz countertops have become a popular option in kitchens as they’re nonporous and don’t draw in germs.

Quartz is a leading choice among home buyers and only gaining in popularity. The cost of granite countertops is much like granite utilizing a similar return on investment if it’s the right time to record the home available down the road.

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